POLITICS: Do you really want this kind of a politician as your Prime Minister?

Here’s the message I got from this Canadian politician who has dreams of becoming the next Prime Minister of Canada…..

Richard, did you see what just happened?

Jagmeet Singh just voted against our NON-CONFIDENCE motion to keep Trudeau in power.

He just chose his pension over the Canadian people.

More taxes.
More debt.
More crime.

Jagmeet Singh is SPINELESS. He’s a fake, a phony, a fraud, and a LIAR.

Common sense Conservatives will never stop fighting for a carbon tax election. And we will never stop fighting for you. But we need your help to keep up the fight. The costly coalition is still ALIVE and well – can you make a donation today so we can keep fighting to give Canadians a choice in a carbon tax election?

There WILL be a carbon tax election where Canadians will vote to axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget, and stop the crime.

It’s time for Jagmeet Singh and the NDP to stop protecting this corrupt Liberal government.”


I will NOT VOTE for any politician who talks like this about fellow politicians. The lack of respect this politician shows is likely the same kind of lack of respect he has for me as a voter and citizen of the country.

Yes, Canadians are stuck with some very poor choices in this election but this man’s attitude helps me decide who I will not vote for as Prime Minister of Canada.

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