Dear Richard

Since my last update, we have entered a new season. Welcome autumn! September brings new beginnings, programs start up, schools and universities open doors to this year’s students, Bible studies gather again, and so much more. Very soon our calendars fill to overflowing. Connecting with you today is such a delight. 

My heart is full as I think of you, your ongoing prayer, words of encouragement and support for Words To Inspire. As we join together, God’s call for Words To Inspire is confirmed and strengthened. I praise Him for all of you, His faithful ones. 

Now, to keep you in the loop about all the good work God is doing through our ministry. I am amazed at, and oh, so thankful, for His goodness.

Words To Inspire in Canada

In Holmesville, New Brunswick, Carla led a group of women in the Woman of Worth study, with the women being inspired by God’s truths about their true value.

This is the beginning of much more in my birthplace, New Brunswick.

Last spring, several groups engaged in the newest study, Woman of Worship and I taught the course online. What an absolute joy to gather with a focus on Jesus, worthy of all our praise. 

As the ‘in person’ study drew to a close in April, I sensed that there was more for the women in our area. With a new team of three dynamic women (Sonja Pretorius, Debbie Gallagher, and Donna Neale) we created Kawartha Women of Worship as a fresh initiative of Words To Inspire. Each month from May to August, women gathered from many areas to sing, make and strengthen friendships, have a cup of tea, and listen to an inspiring story of God at work in a woman’s life.

Coming November 26, 2024 @ 6:30 Trentside Baptist Church in Bobcaygeon – Cyndi Wilkens will share her empowering story of life as a quadruple amputee. Mark your calendar and bring a friend!

Words To Inspire in Nepal

Words To Inspire Nepal team is composed of twelve women under Shusma Adhikari’s leadership. As our Words To Inspire Coordinator, Shusma is continually looking for opportunities to share our Lord through the WOW Bible studies. She sends a great report:


We are truly grateful to God for His goodness in our lives throughout all seasons. Inspired by God’s word, we are determined to continue to empower women through His Word.

Our twelve WTI women are leading house fellowships, church meetings and mission work because of the Woman of Worth study. God spoke to the women during our time together and stirred hope and healing in their hearts. We say Wow in Jesus as He touches these broken lives and gives beauty instead of ashes. Thank you, Father!!

One participant, Sudha, with a terrible past, was transformed by the Woman of Worth study. By the end of the class her previously closed heart opened up and she began reciting a number of Psalms and other Bible verses, sharing God’s words in tears. She experienced the Word as a Person in her life and situation. Just a few days ago she flew to Cypress for work. She has gone as a new person, no longer bound in sin and abuse. Hallelujah! 

We have seen many women come out of enemies’ traps of lies and get healed from past abuse by God’s love.

In the past few months we have completed two studies on Women of the Word and Woman of Wisdom in Kathmandu and Lalitpur. Every year, as a team, we want to do at least  five or six classes.

Please pray for us. Everyone needs to hear God’s truth and be free from the lies of our culture. 

Pray for:

  • Our WTI team to grow closer together.

  • A zoom account as we are from different areas of Nepal. Cost $23. Monthly. Praise God for the fund He has provided for the study.

  • God’s guidance on where to go as people call us for the studies.

  • Ram Pandey, as he is translating Woman of Worship. The women in Nepal will be blessed to have this fourth and final book in the WOW series in their own language!


Two other WTI leaders, Meena and Pabita, co-led Woman of Wisdom for the first time, experiencing both teaching and learning. Pabita said:

“I have never understood the book of Ruth this way before. I reflected on my own life, especially in my relationship with my mother-in-law. It is rich, coming into God’s covenant and remaining faithful to keep the covenant is so important for each one of us as Christians. I truly understood and got to know God’s covenantal love for me. The more I studied and taught, the more I am loving Him. He is ‘for me, in me and with me’. WOW.”

Meena writes:

“My experience in teaching. Truly, I felt I am not equipped to lead this study. I was depending so much on Shusma Didi, wherever she would take me. I felt less burden with her teaching but this time I was teaching without her. “God, I need your grace more than ever before.” I was too afraid that I would miss something, I know this teaching is so powerful and is life changing. Thank God for his faithfulness! God can use anyone if we humbly obey and say ‘Yes’ to Him. Praise God! Thanks to Shusma Didi for entrusting us.” 


Two testimonials from this WOWisdom Study

Sita Achhami (front row holding baby)

Covenant: The word covenant was so powerful for me as I learned through the study. In God’s covenantal relationship I found there is always restoration and reestablishment. Since the first day of the class, it challenged me deep inside because I had a problem with a person. As I started thinking of God’s love for me through the study, I felt that God was changing my heart and I felt that I can love the person no matter what.  Thank God!

Sita Tamang (red dress left centre row)

Choices: Making right choices is so important which I have never thought of before,  how it affects one’s life. As I was studying how Ruth was not just making the right choices but the best choices ever, I got to reevaluate myself. It reminded me of my past. I remembered how  my husband and I were ministering a small church in the village back then. I felt the call to serve the people there. However, as my children were growing, I felt like the need to move to a city for their better education. So, we left the community with no one to look after it. When I think of this, I don’t know whether I had made the right decisions. Did we do the right thing? My heart was hardened for so long. After this study, I felt I need to pray more and seek God’ guidance and clarity. Perhaps we should go back and gather the community again.


Words To Inspire in Angola

Janet Holden is our Angolan coworker. She is presently in Canada and will be at the Called conference in Guelph on October 19. Check out the agenda and register at This is a wonderful Canadian conference.


Janet and her late husband went to Angola 35 years ago and have impacted the nation in Education and Biblical truths. When her husband, Jim, passed away in 2010, Janet made the decision to stay and continue the work they started as a couple. With a generational legacy of missionaries, Janet’s five children live there, actively involved in Angolan culture.

Bob and I travelled to Angola in 2019 and saw the incredible contribution this family provides to the nation. I look forward to posting more about Janet, a woman you need to know.

Janet’s son, Paul, translated the third book in the WOW series, Woman of Wisdom, into the Portuguese language and is presently working to translate the first book, Woman of Worth. Thanks, Paul,for all the work you put into making the WOW books available to Angolan women.

Janet is teaching Woman of Wisdom and the students glean many truths  of Covenant from this study. Way to go, Janet. We look forward to more from Angola.



Well, my friends, there is more but I’ll share other happy happenings in my November update.

Thank you for being a faithful partner in ministry. Please continue to pray that God would move among His people.

Joyfully serving,

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