Doc Szpinner: Next time you have trouble with my website….

The next time you have trouble with my website, “TRY REFRESHING THE PAGE”


Refreshing a page?

When you refresh a page, you’re essentially telling your browser to fetch the latest version of the webpage from the server. This can be helpful for a few reasons:

Fixing glitches
Sometimes, websites can experience temporary glitches or errors. Refreshing the page can often resolve these issues and get you back to browsing smoothly.

Seeing the latest updates
Websites are constantly being updated with new content, features, or design changes. Refreshing ensures you’re always viewing the most up-to-date version.

Clearing the cache
 Your browser stores a cache of webpages to speed up loading times. However, sometimes the cache can become outdated or corrupted. Refreshing clears the cache and forces your browser to fetch a fresh copy of the page.

How to refresh a page:
Most browsers have a refresh button, usually represented by a circular arrow, located near the address bar. If you don’t see a refresh button, you can click the “Reload” option in your browser’s menu, or you can press the F5 key while you’re on the page or right-click on the page and choose “Refresh” or the Refresh icon on the right-click menu.

Appearance may indicate a problem
So, if a page isn’t loading properly, if a page appears broken, or if a page looks different than you remember, try refreshing the page. Also, refresh the page if you want to be sure you see the latest version.

The next time you encounter an issue with a web page, give it a quick refresh. It might just solve your problem and save you some time and frustration, too.

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