Pickering “ZONING By-law” change proposal

Residents of Pickering should be aware that different areas of Pickering have various Zoning designations and these designations were made for specific reasons. 

Our Council looks like it wants to change these designations to one designation for all of Pickering, thereby ignoring all of the reasons for the original designation.  The justification for making the change is to “streamline” the process and make it easier and quicker for development.  

From past experience warrants evaluation of the council’s Zoning redesignation. There are questions that need consideration:

  • Who benefits from zoning uniformity?
  • Is the varied zoning inefficient or disadvantageous?
  • Who  benefits from the new “Streamlining process?”
  • Was the original system broken? Inefficient? How so?

Please take the time to review Council and Planning departments proposal and try to attend the upcoming meetings.  The link for this proposal is below along with a link provided for a map. 

Residents interested in the future of Pickering may want to evaluate and review this new proposal for zoning change.


Zoning by-law Review link:  https://www.pickering.ca/en/city-hall/comprehensive-zoning-by-law-review.aspx

Map link
City Council meetings can be conveniently observed at YouTubeCouncil MTG
Good heavens.. what silliness.. seems a criteria to be elected these days! Thank you!                                                                     Pamela K.
There is a huge conflict of interest with the meeting dates of November 4, 2024. Not sure if this is intentional or not. However that evening, from what I understand, there is also a meeting at Chestnut Hill Rec complex [I still can’t get used to calling it that] regarding the development on the east side of Brock Rd. between the 401 and Kingston Road. The last time there was a meeting discussing this development, there was another conflicting meeting. We need to get people out to both.                                          Janice F. 
It seems every level of government is now proposing intensification across the board; Christina Freeland is on the news today espousing major changes for housing development, and we know what Mr.Ford is pushing on the municipalities; even though our Council did vote unanimously at the Sept.3/24 meeting to not adopt major zoning changes being proposed from the Province; up to 4 housing units on a building lot; and up to 6 housing units on a corner lot; from 2016 to 2021 I delegated many times regarding the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods to revamp the zoning in R3 and R4 precincts; our community of Fairport Beach was one of the test precincts used to evaluate the amalgamated zoning standards and by and large we came through this study in one piece; we managed to preserve the 9m height restriction, set backs, and lot coverage requirements. When it came to a vote it passed 6-1; the lone dissenter was our Ward 1 Regional Councillor Kevin Ashe who was the seconder to the motion put forward by Maurice Brenner in Nov. 2016 to hire a consultant.                                               Paul W.
I would suggest we send a request to the Clerk outlining the problem and thereby, requesting a change of date for one of these two meetings. 
This change would enable full citizen participation  instead of residents having to choose one public meeting over another!          Gloria R.
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