PICKERING: Prepare yourself….Whitby property taxes increase…Pickering’s next???

Pickering taxpayers, prepare yourselves. Mayor Roy, Whitby, just passed a three time tax increase to her electorate using the “strong mayors’ power” and Pickering will surely follow.

By the looks of it, Whitby residents will be getting 5+% tax increases in 2025, 2026 and 2027. That sounds incredible.

All we can do here in Pickering is cross our fingers, hope and pray!!! But our feeling is that taxpayers should prepare themselves. Politicians never suffer during hard times.

Food bank use is breaking all records. Price increases continue endlessly. Gas prices remain high. The media paints a rosier picture about employment rates and interest levels than reality. Ask yourself when was the last time your rent or mortgage payment was reduced?  When was the last time your groceries cost less than the week before?Folks who are unemployed, are you struggling to find a job? The picture painted by the media is rosier than reality. Are we being conned?


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