KILL YOURS, KILL MINE, Katherine Kovacic

Katherine Kovacic

Mia’s grief counselling practice, The Pleiades, is named for the seven sisters from Greek mythology who were the companions of the Goddess of the Hunt—and who, in some stories, die of grief or are killed to be saved from attackers.

Mia has been gathering broken women together for a radical form of group therapy. Amy. Gabrielle. Katy. Brooke. Olivia. Five women crippled with grief by the murders of their sisters—and seething with rage that the partners who killed them all walk free. She just needs one more.

When Mia meets Naomi, she knows she has found the perfect candidate, but Naomi is resistant. She only needs to meet the others before she realizes that they, too, are consumed with desire for hands-on revenge. Under Mia’s guidance, the women devise a plan to heal themselves. They’ll take back their lives from the men who took their sisters. The premise is satisfyingly I’ll kill yours if you kill mine…

Richard says
It starts slow, maybe like therapy, but soon it engages and the suspense begins to grow.

Set in Australia, it takes a bit of customization to acclimate to the geography, idioms and nuances of the Aussie culture. But passing on that, this is a nicely written book that engages the reader after a slow start.

Once I entered the central part of the book, it was really suspenseful, putting you into a equivocating position…root for the killers or root for justice. You torn as the author has drawn you in as a supporter of ‘justifiable killers’. Trying to equate her villains to soldiers, the group of the story want to get your support for their cause. Tough position, good story.

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