How do you deal with a madman who’s got the power and support of half his country and much of his government bodies?
T**** is mad in the mental sense, completely off his rocker, but he’s in power. So what do you do about it?
Solution USA
American ‘experts’ apply the same solutions to deal with this madman as before…appealing to the common sense and logic of American voters. That didn’t work before. What makes them think it will work now?
That solution failed twice. It will fail again. The American public is not listening to logic and reason. They hope that this ‘different-from-the-old-politicians’ madman will lead them to the new promised land, MAGA. They were wrong before and they will be wrong again….but they aren’t listening.
World conflicts coming
This assh*le will lead the USA into international conflicts around the world, economic battles, possibly military ones as ludicrous as they may sound.
Greenland annexation
Count on whatever process initiates that move, meaning once he starts, the process could unfold to its ultimate end. T**** will start whatever process he can to annex Greenland. Maybe the EU might stop him, not him per se, but the influencers around T**** might distract T**** from the ‘topic of the moment.’ But this madman is so mentally deranged he may not respond. He may be deaf to any suggested diversions. He could be out of control, beyond the influence of any of his sycophants.
Canada on political thin ice
Canada has prorogued its parliament and shut it down until Mar 24. The Liberal Party is in chaos with Trudeau’s departure. That leadership race is in chaotic freefall. Money rides are Carney vs Freeland. Jolie, lol. Champagne, give me a break. Mackinnon, are you serious! Christy Clark, come on! Anita Anand, who? And more are coming. All this means we have no government leader other than the lame duck, Trudeau. T**** might even refuse to meet with Trudeau unless Trudeau accepts the mantle of the 51st state governor. As crazy as this sounds, don’t think it isn’t possible in this crazy world today.
Ontario Premier Ford might be on a constructive path, but more likely, his hydropower outage could lead to economic conflicts and battling responses from the states that will be affected. But at least it is someone verbally messaging the assh*le in the White House that Canada will fight, fight as well as its small population and piddly economy can.
Doomed at best
Our only hope may be that the sycophants working in the WH might influence the madman and distract him enough from whatever next idiotic scheme he’s dreamed up in his insane brain.