Smooooooth…like gravel in a newly graded road.
Da boy is trying to cash in on T**** animosity. Canadians, read ‘many,’ and ‘Ontarians,’ read likely, many also, are not enamored with that assh*le in the WH down south. His big mouth has eroded the value of the Canadian dollar, shaken up the TSX, diminished the likelihood of Canadians vacationing in the USA. Hell, a holiday in Mexico’s becoming attractive, Acapulco with all the drug cartels, Senaloja or even Cancun, druggie central, are being put on holiday consideration lists. USA, no thanks.
This is not a T**** bash. It’s a Doggie Ford crash. This guy believes he knows when to cash in his political chips. This could be a great time to do so given the political climate we’re in thanks to that assh*le from the South.
Bonnie Crombie….who? Still. The Liberals have a political purse filled with pennies. Not enough for TV ads; forget newspaper ads; radio commercials, maybe one. Bottom line, and not her bottom either, they ain’t got the bucks to take on buckeroo and he knows it.
Marit Stiles….’who II’? She’s been running hard. A sharp political leader who leads a party that’s broker than Oliver when he started pickpocket training. This leader can’t buy a bucket to pee in, even if it’s used. Run an election campaign? Only in her own backyard with mate and 4 NDP steadfasters…and even then she’d lose.
Mike Schreiner….huh? Leader of the Ontario Greens since 2009. You familiar with him? About as much chance of running a campaign as a rubber dinky toy in a tractor pull. Fuggedaboutit.
So Doggie is thinking the same as we do. He’s got nobody that has a snowballs chance…but you know, one time we would say snowballs chance in Florida or Texas or Louisiana but given our climate upheaval. Better snowballs can be made there than here.
Doggie’s cashin’ his chips. It’s winter. Nobody’s going to venture out to vote in a polar vortex. Oh, you can vote online….given how many older people use digital devices, none of that demographic’s gonna vote digitally. The young voters…they’re too busy looking for Tik Tok alternatives. The mid-aged…scrambling to finance the purchase of a delivered pizza. Doggie may be right…damn.
Those are our thoughts but we ain’t the only ones trying to poo poo on Doggie’s election call.
Here’s what P.W. says from Pickering…the hub of provincial politics in Ontario:
>Why; for what? He wants to save us from Mr.Trump. LOL; he already has a majority government; use that; oh no FOLKS, I would rather spend another $100 million of your tax dollars; if we were smart and sauvy we would vote for another party and give Mr.Ford a minority government that would then have to work collaboratively with the other parties to come up with a strategy to combat this senseless tariff war created by the Donald. P.W.