PICKERING: WARD 2 Winter Newsletter update

Ward 2 Winter Update
2025 will see the progression of multiple projects for Ward 2.

Sandy Beach Road:
This long-awaited project is finally gaining some traction. The detailed design for the reconstruction of Sandy Beach Road and replacement of the Krosno Creek culvert crossing is continuing to progress which will address issues of poor drainage and road conditions. The project will also include a multi-use path on the west boulevard and a sidewalk on the east boulevard to address issues of pedestrian safety. Utility relocations and property acquisition are anticipated to occur in 2025 with roadworks commencing in 2026.

2025 Ward 2 Road Resurfacing Projects:
Each year the City publishes a list by Ward of planned roadway resurfacing. Pavement typically has a life span of 25-30 years. Below are some of the upcoming projects for  Ward 2:

  1. Echo Point Court – Glenanna Road to north terminus
  2. Storrington Street – Walnut Lane to Listowell Crescent (the section from Glenanna Road to Listowell Crescent was completed in 2024)
  3. Douglas Avenue – Radom Street to 230m south of Radom Street
  4. Garvolin Avenue – Modlin Road to Krosno Boulevard
  5. Fairview Avenue – Douglas Street to south terminus (top asphalt to complete the reconstruction project)

Liverpool Bridge Replacement:
We’ve received a number of public inquiries on the status to replacing the now very aged Liverpool Bridge. This is a significant endeavor, but one that must be addressed. The process to hire a Consultant for the design and approvals of the Liverpool Bridge Replacement will commence in 2025. Construction for the replacement of this bridge structure is currently identified in 2028 in the City’s multi-year capital forecast. Please note that timelines are subject to change depending on funding availability, and budget approval.

Beachfront Park Revitalization:
Our exciting waterfront revitalization is well underway! Phase 1 construction from Millennium Square to Alex Roberston Park is proceeding well and the project is on time and on budget! The sheet pile installation and shoreline stone revetment work along Millenium Square and at the east end of the new boardwalk has been completed. The installation of the helical piles that will support the steel framing and concrete deck that will make up the elevated boardwalk structure will commence shortly. Construction is anticipated to be completed by July 2025 so that visitors can again enjoy Pickering’s beautiful waterfront for the summer, and take a stroll, or cycle, along the new elevated boardwalk. The project will also include an art panel installation by indigenous artists.

Playground Replacement:
Improvements to accessibility are underway at a number of our parts – to make the experience more inclusive for all to enjoy. New playground equipment for Lynn Heights Park, Bonita Park, and Bayshore Tot Lot was approved in the 2025 Capital Budget. The process to procure the new equipment will commence shortly and construction will take place in the fall. All new playgrounds will have accessible components to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities Act, 2005.


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