We’re living in sad times made sadder by the likes of T**** and other things

We are living in ‘tough times’ which are becoming tougher every day.

I just spent an hour trying to get a phone number a Canadian government department. Bot after bot connectivity, listening to endless robot messages, one scripted phrase really grabbed me: over and over, almost every one of the robot replies has a cautionary note in it: if aggressive, rude or harassing language is used, the call will be disconnected.

Wow, having such a message added to every one of the calls I heard makes me think. Many people must be responding in anger or aggressive language so often, companies must include a warning message in their automated phone calls.

It is a very sad state of affairs when so many people respond angrily, aggressively or offensively to messages that companies and corporations must resort to this kind of preface to their automated phone calls. We live in a sad, increasingly depressive world when people jump to anger and offense so readily. 

Perhaps it is the anonymity of social media or the easy access to social media responses that has people disregarding respect and recognition that they are dealing with a human being at the other end. We’ve come to a sad point in society when people jump the gun to anger, aggression and insult so readily.

What happened to raising children to be respectful of authority, older people and others. Are parents becoming slipshod in teaching their children? Are teachers slipping in what they teach our young people? Looks like we are slipping as a society.

Get on top of your game if you influence younger people. Accept respect and proper behaviour in dealing with people, seniors and authority figures. Let’s go back to the days of ‘thank you,’ ‘yes sir,’ ‘no ma’am’ and the like. But those in positions of authority should be reminded they need to act as people deserving of respect. They have to treat people respectfully and with reciprocal sensitivity and care. You shouldn’t be giving people “the bird” just because they cut in front of you on the road, or in the line at the bank. Say something like “you’re in a hurry, eh?” rather than calling them a name.

We live in tough times. Help us get back to the days when we treated others as we wanted to be treated, with respect, courtesy and dignity.

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