PICKERING: Does anyone know the meaning of ‘simple’ or ‘concise?’

If the City of Pickering were asked to draw a face, here’s the result…

Simple, concise, straightforward are foreign words to the teams or groups at the City of Pickering. 

This is not an offensive initiative against the City. I admire and appreciate the City and its personnel on many levels but simplicity of explanations, concise descriptions of anything….not so much.

The City personnel seem to think the ‘baffle gab’ and ‘gobbly gook’ will suffice in explaining or describing anything. In parlance with which I am acquainted, BBB, which stands for BULLSH*T BAFFLES BRAINS. 

Visit any Pickering website and you will be inundated with baffle gab and gobbly gook. These people do not know the meaning of simple and concise. They love acronyms, charts, numerical data sheets all of which are beyond the quick comprehension of those of us who walk among the common folk of Pickering.

These people do not know the meeting of KISS, keep it super simple. They believe if you swamp the reader with information, they will learn a lot. Not going to happen. The reader is turned off in a couple of sentences, becomes overwhelmed with information and the message is lost.

Sometimes many words are needed, this message for instance, to give full explanation and clear understanding of the message. The City personnel think more is better, MUCH MORE, and so they bury readers with information. So much information that the reader loses the message.

Come on Pickering….KISS me…..keep it super simple.

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