Rage: Public Profanity, Potty Mouth, F-Bomb, and Swearing

Can You Control Your Swearing?



I believe that a person reveals their true colours when they lose their temper. To some degree this is likely true for all of us. Do you make an effort to use discretion before dropping the F-bomb in public in any of its popular forms? Does the same apply to other forms of profanity ?

I do but it seems I’m in the minority. I left that behind in school. There’s a time and a place for everything but I’d prefer profanity not be used any time. It’s a matter of self-discipline which can be difficult for many people – not just with swearing, but also with dieting, saving for the future, exercise and more. Personally I don’t get it. Grow up! As adults we can choose to swear. My choice is not to – unless the setting is appropriate, or I am EXTREMELY angry. Even then I feel guilty.

For some it seems that once they escaped parental influence and rules, they felt the need to rebel taking pleasure in breaking past taboos. In my youth we were chastised for even saying “hell” or “damn”. I only heard my father drop the F-bomb once or twice, and he thought he was alone at the time or that he was out of earshot. My mother never used it.

The problem (or NOT a problem depending on your view) is that unless you look around, you never know who is within earshot when speaking or shouting in public. The same applies to public figures in modern media. They have no idea who their audience might include. Such language is offensive to many seniors and it’s inappropriate for young kids. I wonder if people who swear freely in public do the same at home in front of their own kids, or if they impose different rules.

In the popular reality TV show about the Osbournes, the family went out of their way to be foul mouthed. Sadly I think that was why people tuned in. But let’s be real – the entire thing was staged. At least if you didn’t like it, you could turn it off or not tune in. In live performances or one-time specials, audiences don’t know what is coming.

I am occasionally guilty of swearing – especially with friends in a small group drinking beer or playing golf. But every morning at a local coffee shop I hear profanity in almost every sentence from some people. It is also common in public places like stores and buses. I feel that it’s completely out of place for leaders in our government, especially when being broadcast to massive audiences. Most national leaders avoid it – good for them. I am not a Trump fan but despite his relentless trash talk, I’ve never heard him drop the F-bomb.

Think of some of the funniest people on TV over the years, both men and women. They never relied on swearing for laughs. Perhaps they relaxed their discipline at a private club but not on a world stage. The networks would not have allowed it. Today even that has changed. The most notorious perpetrators simply sound pathetic and desperate. Some entertainers can’t get through a performance without resorting to potty mouth. Bill Maher is a prime example. It’s too bad because is very clever without it.

If this makes me a prude or an elitist, so be it. I slip occasionally though rarely in public. That said, I frequently use religious references in anger which probably offends some people too. When I am alone I swear all the time in self-anger – stub my toe, break a dish etc. Unfortunately my spouse hears it and even more rarely she might swear in anger too – but never in public.

Like many aspects of decorum – morals, standards, tact, and good taste – this is one seems to be disappearing. Sad.


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