EDITORIAL: Political leaders don’t care – spend, spend, spend….it’s taxpayers’ money

Who cares? Government leaders, politicians in power sure don’t.

These elected officials spend our money like drunken sailors. Who care how much is wasted? Who cares if any money is wasted? Who cares how much is spent? Who cares if it is non-productive? Who cares if it’s a waste.

Well, Msrs. Government leaders, we care!

News: Toronto to spend $48 million to remove bike lanes, installed just a couple of years ago for $27 million. $21 million taxpayer dollars out the window. Who cares? It ain’t their money. It doesn’t hurt one single politician, one thin dime.

Just do it one day for $27 mill and then cancel it for an additional $48 millDon’t worry about the cost. It’s not your money. Voters will complain for a while but they won’t, can’t do anything about it. So let’s spend, spend, spend.

Taxpayers of Toronto…complain
Taxpayers should care! They should complain. In this instance, bike lanes in Toronto is the worry of Toronto residents. They are losing $75 million dollars because of the poor planning by the City of Toronto.

Maybe there was no way to anticipate the brouhaha that would erupt because of bike lanes. Someone in government decided bike lanes, a good idea at one time, now a bad idea. So let’s switch horses in mid-stream and hang the expense; $27 mill in, $48 mill more out. That totals $75 mill taxpayer dollars out the window as the bike lane policy is reversed by the ‘great planners at Toronto City hall.’ Bravo boys and girls. Not to worry. It won’t be a penny out of your pocket. You won’t pay a penny for such poor policy making. There should be a better way to handle such expense. What an example of lousy planning. If not poor planning, then piss poor management of taxpayer money.

No matter how you criticize this expenditure, it still remains $75 million taxpayer dollars wasted. 

This is not a unique situation to Toronto only. This kind of waste seems to be the norm in every political corner rather than the exception.

The solution
There is an answer: elect an ombudsman committee to evaluate government spending and where it is concluded to be an outright waste of money, penalize the current sitting members of that government. As the committee is elected for a specified term, if they do poor work, they are not re-elected. The solution may not be perfect. It may have flaws but it sure would make politicians think twice before they spend taxpayer money like drunken sailors.


Consider sending an email message to your Toronto councillors if you live in Toronto….unless you feel great about $75 million of you tax payer dollars being wasted….

Email addresses to Toronto councillors -> TORONTOCOUNCILLORS

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