About Richard

About this site


Richard Szpin: senior, blogger, community activist and writer too!


As a senior, I thought I should dedicate my site to older adults. Soon I discovered, some older adults are really donning the role prematurely, acting old too soon when they are still capable of doing much more. Pushing up grass isn’t for them, nor is it for me yet. I may ache, pain, whine and complain but I will do it from the green side of the lawn for as long as I can. 

Topside and underside gardening
I am a life-long learner, learning every day. I believe too many older adults are tilling the soil from the wrong side too soon. I ain’t ready to garden from the underside yet. So I cheer the many who refuse to garden from the side. Bravo folks…”I’mwitchya.” A  strange fact: studies have shown more women garden on the topside than men. Bravo ladies! I’m witchya, for sure.  

Learn, learn, learn…
Learning enriches life, improves living, benefits day-to-day living. These days the Internet, technology and artificial intelligence open the portals to more learning. Use them to enrich your life. Use whatever ways you can to learn more and improve your life. And when someone says you can’t do that at your age….well, find a good retort to that one!

Explore more
Old, young, middle-aged, who cares…just explore more. Try new things, try things that interest you but which you never thought to try before. Even try things that don’t interest you…just to see what happens. Be curious! Be inquisitive! Go for it!

You’ll garden the underside soon enough…
You’re alive…recognize it from all the aches and pains, things you can’t do anymore. But also recognize that you can still do a lot, maybe not as much as last year or the year before. Who cares….you’re still doing. Maybe not as strong…but you’re still doin’ it. Like the Energizer Bunny….just keep goin’.

My site is dedicated to helping those of you who ain’t ready to do the “push ’em up” gardening yet.  Bravo….keep going, keep doing it, keep at it. It may be a struggle, increasingly challenging, but better to be challenged than to push up “dem plants!”

Push yourself
You’re not ready to push ‘dem plants’ yet….so explore my site. I promise you’ll discover some interesting things and be inspired to try out some new things. So use it to inspire you and motivate you to do more. Get up and do it!

Ageing is a challenge but not everyone receives it. You were given this wonderful opportunity to age. Make the most of it.

Welcome to my website.
