Tag Archives: political

TV: The GOOD WIFE…defunct

GOOD WIFE A legal drama about a lawyer who is struggling with issues of an unfaithful husband, temptations of the bottle and political power struggles at the office. Led by the very capable Julianna Margulies, each episode develops intrigue, excitement and … Continue reading

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TV: MADAME SECRETARY…series defunct

MADAME SECRETARY A well acted and realistically written show starring Tea Leoni, who produces the series along with the ubiquitous Morgan Freeman. The series story line is that the US Secretary of State, portrayed by Tea Leoni, has a family life … Continue reading

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EDITORIAL: GREEN PARTY on Pickering Power Plant request to license renewal

The Green Party responded to the request about their position regarding the license renewal of the Pickering Power Plant: Priyan De Silva Green Party, Scarborough Rouge River Question from Ontario Clean Air Alliance: “Should we close the Pickering Nuclear Station in … Continue reading

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EDITORIAL: Anti Pickering Nuclear plant license renewal letter

August, 2016   M.P.P. candidate Email address SCARBOROUGH ROUGE RIVER VALLEY BY ELECTION Ontario     Dear Ontario MPP:   Re:   Pickering Nuclear Station   As a resident of the City of Pickering, I am becoming very, very afraid. I … Continue reading

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Prov Parties: license renewal Pickering Nuclear Station

The Pickering Nuclear Generating Station was designed for a 30 year lifespan. It will be nearly 50 years old if its license renewal request is granted. So far, the regional residents have been lucky, no Chernobyl, no Fukushima, no Three Mile Island…yet! The provincial … Continue reading

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