PICKERING LIBRARY: Cobwebs on the shelves, service moribund and aging? - The Pickering Public Library, under the leadership of Jackie Flowers, who cut her library teeth in the Calgary library system,… Continue reading
- The Grand Old Lady of Toronto’s Lakeshore ages well. Still vibrant and dynamic; Still able to excite and thrill the… Continue reading
FALL GOTTA DO: Take a drive to see the fall colours - Five great day trips to see the fall colours [from the Toronto area of Ontario]: Belfountain Conservation Area And The… Continue reading
PICKERING (updated 8-31-24): Regarding exorbitant cost and accessibility of Beachfront Park parking lot resurfacing - The City of Pickering is resurfacing a parking lot in the Beachfront Park area of the waterfront but there are… Continue reading
POINT-COUNTERPT: Cell phones or teacher methodologies, chicken-egg debate of education today - Is it cell phones or teachers eroding the effectiveness and success of education today? British Columbia has banned cell phones,… Continue reading
PICKERING: Pickering benefits from OLG gaming revenues - Pickering, ON, August 26th, 2024 – Last weekend, the City of Pickering proudly celebrated the significant community and economic benefits… Continue reading
POINT-COUNTERPT: Pickering gets banged for a buck - Pickering is paying $1 million dollars to have its website redesigned, a crazily exorbitant contract which could have been had… Continue reading
The NASTY BITS, Anthony Bourdain - Bourdain may not have been the best writer in the world, nor the best chef, but he sure was a… Continue reading
PICKERING: Councillors Brenner, Butt and Nagy celebrate Casino donation to City of PICKERING - Pickering celebrated the “significant community and economic benefits” of being a casino site with an oversized cheque presentation at the… Continue reading
HEALTH: Wake up tired, sleep and fatigued during the day? - Not getting enough high quality sleep Source: healthline [sleepy] Getting enough sleep is essential for overall health. Unfortunately, many of… Continue reading
HEALTH: Feeling groggy in the afternoon? Here’s how to nap the right way - An afternoon nap can be refreshing, but experts say it also can help you at work or with other activities.… Continue reading