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CLOWN I really dislike giving T**** more publicity, but I think it is crucial people be aware of what the madman is doing.

Please refer to my widget (at the lower right of the main page), A**h*le in the WH for my list of articles regarding this maniac.

Mar 27, 2025

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CLOWN T****’s Latest National Security Scandal T**** faces yet another crisis after The Atlantic’s Jeff Goldberg exposed a shocking intelligence breach. National Security Adviser Mike Waltz mistakenly added the journalist to… Continue reading
CLOWN Tough Week for the assh*le in the White House, Mar 17 -21 Mar 17-21 was a difficult week for Donald T****, marked by economic struggles and his usual tactics of deflection and misinformation. Economic Decline: The economy,… Continue reading
TOWN HALL REPORT, Mar. 19 Unfortunately, due to an auto mishap, I am unable to give a first hand report of the Mayor’s recent Town Hall. However, the executive assistant… Continue reading
CLOWN CLOWN: When you elect a clown, you get a circus Amazing how we write and talk about the clown in the White House but still AmeriKans are doing nothing about him. Well, that may come to… Continue reading
Assh*le in WH: Looks like this madman wants to go to war, economically Looks like the madman in the AmeriKan White House is going to war, economically. He now has fired at the European Union and Canada with… Continue reading
ELECTION HEADLINE: Candidate update for PICKERING-BROOKLIN riding Pickering-Brooklin riding, Mar 27/25 WITH CANDIDATES ALICIA VIANGA                      JUANITA NATHAN NO CANDIDATES in PICKERING-BROOKLIN Riding Continue reading
Assh*le in the White House may destroy Amerikan democracy before I die. Recently I read a book labelled by many as a classic: 1984 George Orwell published 1949 In George Orwell’s 1984, the world is divided into… Continue reading
Ever hear of the “Old Boys Club”…still here despite DEI, meritocracy, democracy, etc Ever hear about the “old boys club?” Well, it’s a strong as ever and you little people, swat, swat, scat, go away! TORONTO COUNCILLORS VOTE… Continue reading
ISSUES: The biggest issues facing Canadians HOUSING For many Canadians housing is the biggest issue of concern, not just housing, but affordable housing. Politicians at every level of government claim concern for… Continue reading
Bull Sh*t everywhere: USA – Musk; Canada – Poilievre AmeriKa Musk’s America PAC is offering $100 to every registered voter who gives them contact information and signs a petition opposing “activist judges.” In addition,… Continue reading
T****: A list of his erosion of democracy in AmeriKa Trump’s Anti-Democracy Initiatives as Documented in Joyce Vance’s Democracy Index The Democracy Index, a project created by Joyce Vance (former U.S. Attorney for the Northern… Continue reading
IMPROVE YOUR ORGANIZATION’s CONNECTIVITY WITH PEOPLE: A suggestion to all government offices, all businesses Connecting with a LIVE PERSON by phone is becoming an increasing challenge in today’s world. It should not be so. Every company, every government body,… Continue reading
Be better connected, better informed: Join the digital world   Become better connected to the world. Be better informed, better connected. Join the Digital World. ___________________ The world today is digital. Banking is done… Continue reading
EDITORIAL: Political leaders don’t care – spend, spend, spend….it’s taxpayers’ money Who cares? Government leaders, politicians in power sure don’t. These elected officials spend our money like drunken sailors. Who care how much is wasted? Who… Continue reading
The world is in a mess and it’s really bothering me The world is in a mess and it’s really bothering me… ___________________ I just finished reading two George Orwell books, 1984 and Animal Farm, and… Continue reading
TRUMP WATCH     T**** WATCH  is a special section listing the areas or issues where T**** violates the AmeriKan constitution or tests getting away with breaking… Continue reading
EXECUTIVE ORDERS are not the road to dictatorship The president can issue executive orders that enact certain policies. However, there are controls on executive orders, that prevent them from becoming dictatorial decrees. Therefore T**** can issue policies… Continue reading
This is downright FRIGHTENING ! https://www.szpin.ca/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/TRUMP-1984-pdf.pdf Continue reading
CLOWN The clown in Washington has had a few losses caused by female judges The Democracy Index Source: The Contrarian Tracking The Democracy Index in this time of peril is sometimes heartbreaking. We’ve seen attacks on the rule of… Continue reading