PICKERINGz: A question for the Mayor and Councillors regarding HATE - Mr. Mayor and Councillors,   "What are you doing about HATE and all its vestiges in our community?" HATE and… Continue reading
FINANCE: You could be receiving a cheque for nearly $700 from the federal government - The Canadian government is sending qualified citizens a GST/HST credit cheque for nearly $700. You might be included... Read the… Continue reading
PICKERING: There’s no justifiable reason for Councilors to accept these gifts - Each of these councillors has received 'gifts' of various values from corporations and developers involved with Pickering and the Durham region.… Continue reading
POINT – COUNTERPOINT: Is there a conspiracy about Biden’s actual health? - Remember Eva PerÓn, the Argentinian First Lady of the 1940s and 50s? Well, she may have be rechanneled as Julie… Continue reading
MEDIUM RAW, Anthony Bourdain - Synopsis A lot has changed since Kitchen Confidential. For the subculture of chefs and cooks, for the restaurant business as… Continue reading
WARNING: *** Black bear sighting in Rouge Park *** - See Twitter  (X) for more: -->  BEAR Parks Canada advises about your action: --> ANIMAL MEETUPS Continue reading
HEALTH: The Longevity Menu: 9 Foods for a Long Life - The Longevity Menu: 9 Foods for a Long Life LISA BENDALL   Dark green leafy vegetables protect your bones and… Continue reading