WK 18 followup 1 – Toronto deserves special status?

The discussion meandered and no consensus was ever reached about “Should Toronto be given special status within Canada/Ontario?”

One of the topics during the WK 17 discussion was on the question about Toronto being given special status within Canada/Ontario.

The group were unable to reach a clear consensus. They felt there were far too many problematic layers in such a thing being done to Toronto. too many conflicts and problems to ever see an agreement reach in that regard. Tax revenues alone raised many obvious issues: taxation problems? How much? How would it be paid? How would it impact on already assigned tax revenues? How would it be divided?

Yet, everyone agreed that Toronto was in dire straights in terms of urban problems. Its infrastructure needs serious attention; its social housing problems need to be addressed; transit is a horrendous problem for the city; revenue shortfall is a major problem which grows relentlessly; the tax revenues needed are heatedly debated at city hall with no resolution; city services are inadequate – from swimming pools to garbage collection; the list is endless, the solutions debated ad nausea and unreachable.

Read the details about Toronto which demonstrate the need for special consideration for the city: Toronto is special

Royson James, Toronto Star, reports about the city and as much as he opposes revenues schemes such as lotteries, full gas tax re-assignment, increased property taxes, and much more, he does underline the urgency with Toronto’s situation: Time to wake up Toronto

James sounds the clarion call for funding solutions but it is a trumpet blare in the forest with no one there. No one hears anything! The discussion group concluded ‘the needs are obvious, the solutions not so.’

Even Mclean’s magazine is in on the “Toronto deserves special consideration” act:

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