Shout Out To Our Canada

Happy Birthday Canada…you’re the best!

Erma welcomes everyone to the birthday party!
Join her !


One hundred and fifty years young, this land of diversity is recognizable by its red and white flag of distinction. One of Canada’s greatest tourist attractions is the electrifying brisk waterfall, Niagara Falls. This is considered to be one of the eight wonders of the world. Canada has captivating landscapes, skyscrapers, museums, a growing movie industry and winter and summer sporting events that feed the appetite of the biggest sports enthusiasts. Sports is a natural interest to Canadians and has put Canada on the world stage with athletes striving to make their mark in history and keep Canada relevant in the sports arena.

The Canadian winter experience is unique in every province. Winter is as good for Canada as the sunshine is good for the tropics. Every season requires a different mindset which presents some challenges but also promotes a sense of what is uniquely Canadian. The beaver is a decorative icon on our five cent coin. Beavers interact with the environment based on their genetic make-up, with their ability to build dams. They innately do this because their teeth need shaping. If they don’t use their teeth, they could get too long for them. Their way of suppressing the overgrowth of their teeth is to continually cut down trees and build dams. We need the dams and they need to control their overgrowth. They are a good example of the law of reciprocity in action.

Canada is a bilingual country with French and English as the official national languages, but Canada is the adopted home of almost every language on earth. The vastness of this land is unimaginable, as it stretches from coast to coast with some historic attractions specific to each province.

Canada is multicultural and multifaceted. It is known as a land of refuge, equality, freedom, opportunity and a sanctuary to many. Canada has an ethnic richness, where cultures co-exist, educational institutions which welcome students of all ages, stages and races and there is the encouragement of entrepreneurship everywhere. If Canada were a human face, it would have a few wrinkles but no furrow in the brow. Canada, a happy place standing strong for a century and a half, is celebrating a birthday. As Canadians, we should take some time to reflect on this peaceful country. Canada welcomes every nation and adds importance to the things that make each nation relevant. Canada encourages us to promote and share our cultural identities, such as our music, language, food, cultural attire and our religious beliefs. Canada stands tall in humanitarian aids and has a pension system in place, promising an income to every citizen in their retired years.

Let us not forget to thank each other, along with the hardworking, dedicated, committed, forward-thinking visionaries who made this country what is it over the 150 years. Now let’s sip from our cup of satisfaction knowing that Canada could not have done it without us! We are Canada and Canada is us!

Together we can all say,
Happy 150th, Canada!

Thank you Canada!

Merci Canada

Erma Washington

July 1st, 2017

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