Days are getting shorter, too fast and too soon

Had to break out one of the heaters this past weekend. Too cold with hardwood floors throughout our home. Better get myself busy setting up my backyard and house for winter!?!

Daylight is getting shorter and shorter.

Have to cover the outdoor furniture with tarps. Clean the carburettor in my snow blower to get it ready for that despicable white stuff. Use my mulching mower to mulch the grass and all the fallen leaves. So much to do.

Still, hope to have a few more days for a bike ride before it gets too cold. Riding to work is not as pleasant as it used to be because now I leave while still dark, and sometimes come home in the dark.

Nov 11 marks Remembrance Day. Time to reflect on how wonderful we have it here in Canada. To reflect on the sacrifices made so we can enjoy our freedoms. The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. Lest we forget.

Mid November also is the start of the Salvation Army Christmas kettle drives in local stores. Please be generous. They do help with so many amazing things throughout our communities. My wife and I both work at different locations and have done so for the past 4-5 years.

One of the main joys I get doing the kettles is meeting so many wonderful people. They come with blank stares as they walk by, sometimes hoping to stay invisible towards everyone. That is, until I wish them a “good day (or night)” and later a “Merry Christmas”. Then most will turn to look at me and spread a huge grin on their faces and reciprocate that wish for me. Or just say “Thank you”. I can see from their faces they have just changed their mood entirely for the rest of the evening.

The children’s stares and wonder pull on my heartstrings sometimes too. I once overheard a little boy ask his mom if I was the real Santa. Think about it from a child’s perspective. Black pants, white shirt, red vest and a white beard (at that time) roly-poly belly, any child would wonder. She replied, “Ask him.” When he came, he sheepishly asked if I was Santa. I gave him my best “Ho, Ho, Ho…what do you think little one?” and at the same time gave him a candy cane. His eyes lit up and he ran to his mother yelling, “It is him!” I turned, and with a smile, winked at his mother. She smiled approvingly, nodded and left the building. He made my day and I think I may have made an impression on him too. That sort of event happens every year.

It is coming close to that season where many can use our help in any way we can.

Do your part to help someone.

We will all thank you for it.


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