Somebody is absolutely crazy here…who?

You have to see this, the Emergency Awareness Kitsent to every Pickering resident within 10Kms of the Pickering Nuclear Plant. The kit gives residents information regarding if, IF, a nuclear incident should take place.

Turn on your radio. If there’s no power, have a battery or crank operated radio so you can listen to public announcements.

Oh, Ontario Power Generation covered all the bases. They included a pen-flashlight so I can make notes when the power is off. One won’t need it though, the radiation glow one will be emitting will be enough light for note making. Don’t know what one is to write …final words?

Whoever dreamed up this “Emergency Awareness Kit” must really have an incredibly low opinion of my intelligence.

Take a look at what they sent. In case of emergency, you better have read this booklet. Oh, by the way, did I say they included a flashlight pen in case there is no power?

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Pickering residents have never had a real test of any sort in case, just in case, there is a nuclear accident should happen. Residents have never heard a siren test, never tested an evacuation trial, never viewed a TV broadcast as a test. Nothing. Nada. Niente!

What does OPG think? Residents will read and memorize all that is written in these booklets and remember to act on the information in the unlikely case of a nuclear emergency.

No maps, no evacuation routes, no public transit evacuation procedures. Nothing. In the unlikely event of such an occurrence, residents are probably supposed to be familiar with the booklet. Turn on their radios and wait!

Fukushima? Please just disregard it. Chernobyl? Same thing. Three-mile island? Ditto. Chalk River? Same.

Oh, there’s very little need to worry. This 45-year-old plant has never had a major accident and this booklet will prepare you for should one occur which not very likely.

Move? Sure. In this real estate market, one must have ridiculously deep pockets or an incredibly large bank account. No, stay put and read the booklet! Know that the City of Pickering, the City of Toronto, the Government of Ontario and OPG are all working for our benefit. After all, they did send this emergency awareness kit to give residents some peace of mind.

We are all going to sleep better tonight.


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