Lies my father told me (Trump)

This simply has to be an outright lie. No father would teach his son to lie. Fred Trump most certainly would not have taught Turnip lying.

Ya think?

Fred Trump

Could this conversation ever have taken place? Nahhh, not very likely. This conversation may have taken place in 1958, just as the young Donald was about to become a teenager.

Here’s how the conversation may have gone….

“Son, I am going to teach you how to talk to people. Listen carefully.”

“OK father, I am listening because if I don’t I know what will happen and my bum is already sore from our breakfast chat.”

“Good that you remember that lesson. Always remember, we rent to all races no matter what others say about our tenants and occupation.

Now let me teach you about talking to people, especially when you are being interviewed.

Always say things loudly, and with lots of emphases. Don’t worry about the factuality of what you are saying. Just say it loud and say it often. Underline it with short words like big, and really, and fact, and true. If you say it often enough and with conviction, people will accept whatever you say.”

“But father, what if isn’t true?”

“Shut up. Aren’t you listenin’ boy? If you say it, it don’t matter if it’s the truth. What matters is that you say it over and over and over. Say it like you feel it’s the truth. People will accept it.”

“But father they won’t believe that it’s the truth.”

“Shut up, boy. You deaf or sumpthin? I told you, Nobody gives a tinker’s damn about the truth. They just hear what they wanna hear. And then they’ll begin to believe it. Truth ain’t important.”

“Oh, I see. Say it and they’ll believe it.”

“Shut up boy. Sounds like yer gettin’ it finally.

It don’t matter if it is the truth. You just want people to hear what you are sayin’ and to accept it. Once they accept what you are saying, truth be damned.

Who gives a damn about the truth. Truth is what you say it is. Truth changes every day. Yesterday blacks were slaves, so slavery was true. Today, there is no slavery. So slaves is no longer true. See how truth changes? Truth is what you say it is.”

“Oh, I get it. Truth is what I say it is.”

“Ya got it boy. Now shut up and listen some more. Ya gotta keep talkin’. Say things over and over and over and over. People are stupid. They got no brains and they got no memories. Tell ’em lots of stuff and they begin to get confused. They forget what ya said before. Say things, more things, non-stop. Don’t matter if they is true or not. Just keep sayin’ things. Eventually, people just accept anything you say cuz yer the only one talkin’.”

“So I become the person with all facts?”

“Shut up kid. But that’s right. I never raised no rube bumpkin, thank god. Ya got it. Ya keep talkin’ and soon yer the only one talkin’ and people begin listenin’. They hear only you talkin’ and they think cuz you is the only one talkin’, you must have all the information. They begin believin’ any crap ya feed ’em. Ya got it now?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah…I got it. Keep talkin’, no matter if it is true or not. If I keep talkin’ people will accept what I am sayin’ and see all the other stuff as fake. Yeah?”

“Whew…ya got it kid. Now keep lookin’ for those nails in the dirt on the site. Stupid workers keep wastin’ usable stuff. That’s what happens when you give jobs to those stupid fornners. Jerks just snuck in across our borders but they’ll work for nuthin’. Saves us lots of money.”

“Thank you for helpin’ me with the lesson on talkin’ to people, father.”

[ Read how much Trump has lied compared to Obama at LIAR ]



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