Happy Mother’s Day to Counillor Shaheen Butt’s mom !

Councillor Shaheen Butt’s mom is incredible. Courageous, determined and motivated, she lives every day with a drive and energy beyond expectations.

Happy Mothers day to you Mother Butt.

Ama, mother of Councillor Shaheen Butt

Ama, the mother of city councillor Shaheen Butt, celebrated her 99th birthday this April 04. She has had a busy 2018 year as she enjoyed the marriages of her 39th grandson here in Pickering and her first great grandson who lives in England. There were many late-night parties and she did have a few hungover mornings but was back to her pleasant self in no time ready for the next celebration.

Ama raised 11 children, Councillor Butt is her 10th. Having lived in Canada for most of her life, she is well-accustomed to the changing seasons and even our frigid winters cannot stop her from taking a drive to her regular coffee shop.

Ama has friends of all ages who often come and visit, keeping her busy. Her best friends are her grandkids, who love sitting around her while she tells them stories of the good old days.

She also loves having our cat Shimano sit with her while having a nap. Having reached her 99th year Ama looks forward to celebrating her 100th birthday next year with the whole family. She plans to make a grand entrance at the celebration.

Mom with Councillor son

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