TIPS to better navigate this website

It has taken many years to develop this website, with many problems and difficulties along the way. I am always trying to make navigating it easier thinking that visitors have the same problems with websites as I do. But having age in common does not mean we manage websites and electronic devices the same way. I struggle!

But I am constantly working at making my website easier to navigate and explore. In that regard, I want to begin an ongoing article that will offer tips and advice to make the exploration of this website easier. [ Please send feedback. ]

    There are two search boxes at the right top of the front page: TOPIC and CATEGORY.

The TOPIC box allows you to search by word, words, or phrase. The resulting display shows anywhere your search item appears in the website. It will yield far more results than you might expect.

The CATEGORY box allows you to choose categories via a drop down selection list. Choosing a category results in a list of all posts contained in the category.

The two search boxes will help you find if I have posted anything in regard to what you are interested in. They are a very practical way to navigate/find information on my website. Enjoy and thanks for visiting.







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